13 September 2009

The Escavation of Innocence

No one dies the way they are born different events in life shape the nature of human existence. Is innocence the same as ignorance? both mean `lacking knowledge` but are of different origin and used in different context.
Personally i feel a point of innocence is reached when it becomes ignorance. but i cant help asking where the line is drawn. when does it all end?
is it when we begin socialization with the outside world?
when we've gotten canal knowledge of a person of the opposite sex?
or better still when we are no longer moved by the happenings around us.. whether good or bad?..
it's amazing to see a young person of an impressionable age full of life and experience, yet on the other hand we're faced with a grown human, knowing what is right, but just deciding not to go along that lane. i guess we'd most probably not waste time tagging this adult as an ignorant person while we'd see the young person as a well informed and matured fellow.
thinking over this brings us to the question... what defines maturity?.... is it one's way of life, attitude, association, knowledge, age, experiences? i for one do not believe that all these are underlying factors for the defination of maturity. answers to these are extremely difficult especially when i try to fathom where ignorance comes in.
going through a book a few days back, i was struck by a particular sentence the author made.. he said..`you grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself` `this stuff has nothing to do with maturity`... i thought to myself. `i mean i laugh at myself alot` but when i considered the words in the context being used by the author, i saw that it did make sense. it's obvious that it's not just about laughing at one's self literally, but about taking events and situations in strides, about viewing life as a two way journey, about being eager to take that journey, and forging ahead even when met with obstacles and road blocks. i saw that's it's about making mistakes and learning from them, about knowing that `Shit happens` and getting over it in order to move on. YEAH this definately describes what a matured person would do..
i've also come to understand that humans grow up only when they experience or are met with certain situations... everyone says experience is the best teacher, i'll have to agree wit this, cus in my opinion............ TO BE CONTINUED

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